Product Updates

Spring 2023 Muster Product Updates

Muster has some big updates on the horizon, but we've also been hard at work providing customers with some minor updates to enhance their advocacy work. Read our Spring 2023 product updates here.

Spring 2023 final Muster Product Update Blog

While it’s been a while since our last update, the product team has been busy. Think a pack of squirrels foraging, hoarding, and cracking into a big ol' pile of acorns. They've shipped a bunch of minor improvements and are forming up some major ones for release soon. To get the details, read below!

📦 Shipped, landed, released

📣 Message mapping 

Message mapping was one of the most requested advocacy features. Unlike message rotation, message mapping ties a specific message to specific targets. This allows what’s commonly known as “thank and spank.” 

Don’t blame us; we didn’t coin the term.

⚡️ Zapier integration

Our V1 Zapier integration is out of beta. It allows customers to pipe new signups and advocates through to any other Zapier-supported system, including third-party email providers like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, email, and Slack notifications, and even webhooks for customer-controlled APIs.

✏️ Multiple choice fields

One small step for contact records, one giant leap for contact management - multiple choice fields greatly enhance tracking and filtering. Request that new signups indicate their involvement interest or track members by major conferences they’ve attended. Multiple choice fields are filter list, data import, and data export friendly.

✅ Self-service sender verification

It got a lot easier to conquer email inboxes with self-service sender verification. Muster has striven to exceed industry deliverability rates, and sender verification is a powerful way of enhancing inbox delivery. With self-service sender verification, customers can manage their sending domains for sender verification through the app.

 📝 Custom privacy policies

A tiny change product-wise but one with outsize impact - customers who need to indicate additional privacy guidelines to advocates and signups can now add a custom privacy policy URL to their accounts. This URL will be provided in addition to Muster’s privacy policy. 

🌅 En route and over the horizon

☁️ Salesforce integration

The whole enchilada, the kit, AND the caboodle.

Muster’s Salesforce integration is just over the horizon. This new integration is a Salesforce-installable app supporting bidirectional syncing, complete data mapping, and data enrichment. 

👩‍💻 Consolidated broadcast dashboard

The updated broadcast dashboard will elevate email and text action alerts and include them with email and text broadcast messages. This will surface action alerts beyond the advocacy module and make understanding your outbound messaging much more accessible. It’ll even be faster and richer to boot!

❗️Message approval and content flagging

Want to be extra sure your messages are, well, on message? How about a friendly heads-up that a message might be problematic? Or an automated approval completion process? We’ll be rolling out message approval in stages in addition to content flagging updates that improve upon our existing message quarantine guards. 

🤓 Around the horn

The last election cycle signaled the start of new districts for offices across the country. One of the more curious standouts in this cycle is California. Due to a quirk in state law, only half of state senate districts changed lines, while the other half remain in place until the next election cycle. The consequence of this is that now some state senate districts overlap and leave gaps in representation. The state has assigned these gaps to various senators to ensure that no one is without senate representation, but officially there are several areas in California with duplicate state senate representation and others with none at all!

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