Muster Blog | Political Advocacy

How to Create an Advocacy Toolkit: A Complete Guide

Written by Corey Vaughn | May 1, 2023 at 8:57 PM


Advocacy toolkits are essential for any organization or individual seeking to make a positive impact on a particular issue. These toolkits can help you raise awareness, mobilize support, and influence policymakers. However, creating an advocacy toolkit can take time and effort, especially if you are still determining what to include. In this blog post, we will discuss what an advocacy toolkit is, why it is important, and what should be included in one.

What is an Advocacy Toolkit?

An advocacy toolkit is a collection of resources and materials that are used to inform, educate, and engage stakeholders in advocating for a specific issue or cause. An advocacy toolkit aims to provide stakeholders with the necessary information and tools to take action and make their voices heard. The toolkit can include a variety of materials such as fact sheets, infographics, sample letters, social media graphics, and templates for op-eds or press releases.

Why is an Advocacy Toolkit Important?

An advocacy toolkit is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides stakeholders with the necessary information and resources to advocate for an issue effectively. Secondly, it ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page and use consistent messaging and tactics. This can help avoid confusion and ensure that the advocacy efforts are focused and effective. Lastly, an advocacy toolkit can be a valuable resource for policymakers, journalists, and other stakeholders who may be interested in learning more about the issue.

What Should be Included in an Advocacy Toolkit?

Several key components should be included in an advocacy toolkit, including:

1. Background Information

The toolkit should provide background information on the issue, including statistics, research, and other relevant information. This can help stakeholders better understand the issue and make a more informed case for their advocacy efforts.

2. Messaging and Talking Points

The toolkit should include messaging and talking points that stakeholders can use when communicating about the issue. This can help ensure that all stakeholders use consistent messaging and tactics, which can increase the effectiveness of the advocacy efforts.

3. Action Items

The toolkit should provide clear and actionable steps for stakeholders to advocate for the issue. This can include sample letters, petitions, social media graphics, and other resources that stakeholders can use to make their voices heard.

4. Contact Information

The toolkit should include contact information for key policymakers and stakeholders involved in the issue. This can help stakeholders to connect with these individuals and organizations and advocate for their cause.

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Creating an advocacy toolkit can be a daunting task, but it is essential for any organization or individual seeking to make a positive impact on a particular issue. You can ensure that your advocacy efforts are focused, effective, and impactful by including key components such as background information, messaging and talking points, action items, and contact information. With the right tools and resources at your disposal, you can make a real difference in the world.